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The course in Medical Biochemistry B.Sc. (Hons) deals with the study of human biology at the molecular level. It is offered as an interfaculty program of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and the Faculty of Science. This course focuses on cellular biology, medicine and chemistry to give an understanding of how the human body functions via linking scientific knowledge, experimentation and application. Students in this course are provided with a strong foundation in the chemical, cellular, genetic, metabolic and homeostatic aspects of biochemistry. The course also aims to teach students the transition from research to product development with reference to clinical trials. Areas covered in the program include; DNA technology, molecular genetics, protein chemistry, cell-signaling, cancer biology, haematology, immunology, gene therapy, neuroscience, bioinformatics, molecular modelling, drug design, molecular pharmacology, cellular differentiation and embryology, statistical analysis, scientific writing and presentation skills. Students are also provided with the basic skills to set up and market a business venture in the field of bioscience and biotechnology.

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